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Glimpses of Daniel's world


  1. How to show all options in a multi-select
  2. Trampoline into AWS
  3. QwikLABS' Working with Amazon DynamoDB
  4. Review: processing billions of events a day with Kafka, Zookeeper and Storm
  5. ECS deep dive webinar
  6. M202 July 2014 Final weeks
  7. M202 July 2014 Fifth and sixth week
  8. M202 July 2014 Fourth week
  9. M202 July 2014 Third week
  10. M202 July 2014 Second week
  11. Catching up to week 1 videos
  12. M202 July 2014 First week
  13. Starting the M202 course soon
  14. How to pick an insane FQDN for your cloud server
  15. Vagrant up fails to mount linked directory
  16. M101JS Week 7 bonus lecture
  17. MongoDB DBA associate exam pilot
  18. M101JS Week 7
  19. M101JS Week 6
  20. M101JS Week 5
  21. M101JS Week 4
  22. M101JS Week 3
  23. M101JS Week 2
  24. M101JS Week 1
  25. Passed the M102 course
  26. Remotely accessing ActiveMQ Java Management Extensions on a shielded server
  27. Thinking about how to write well
  28. Tuning JMeter test plans with Sinatra
  29. How I decided to setup network interfaces on my virtualbox machines
  30. My ssh agent admitted failure to sign a key!
  31. How Heroku assured the quality of my Node.js app
  32. I like screen!
  33. How to properly re-assign a signature to an Android apk file
  34. Getting a diff between two commits with git-svn when you only know the subversion revisions
  35. The pleasure of block selection whilst editing code
  36. Git-ting my branches up to date
  37. Git rebasing to last public commit
  38. Getting Tomcat heap memory to a sufficient level
  39. How to search for all Jenkins jobs with Daniel as e-mail recipient
  40. How to add a log rotator to multiple Hudson/Jenkins jobs
  41. Sharing Comparable properties with generics in Java
  42. aliases are more fun...
  43. Gimme everything you got slashes
  44. Quick dumping of java object properties
  45. Globally excluding commons-logging
  46. Getting git garbage collection
  47. Stitched, modularized and converted
  48. Universe type system
  49. What the... interrobang‽
  50. Generics are weird, or I am weird
  51. My opinion on using
  52. How I fixed my PostgreSQL re-install problems
  53. Benefits of running your own test database
  54. What the hell!?! Pink?
  55. Why I like git-svn
  56. Making Glassfish v3 prelude start in OpenSuse 11.1
  57. Watching the Watchmen
  58. Project version notes in Redmine
  59. First!