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How to add a log rotator to multiple Hudson/Jenkins jobs

In my professional work environment I have used Hudson/Jenkins as a continuous integration tool and at the same time automate some tasks. Jenkins CI has become a valued part of the development track and over time others got to appreciate its usefulness.

Sadly, the more you use it, then more a need arises to maintain it. One aspect is the amount of logging and information you want to keep from past builds. This isn't just build logs, but also artifacts and reports generated in the past. Jenkins has a feature to discard old builds. This feature is enabled on some jobs, but there was no guideline on the number of builds, artifacts or the number of days that logs and artifacts were kept.

So the first thing to do is figure out which projects actually had it enabled and the settings for those projects. Pasting and running the following groovy script into the Jenkins Groovy console did the trick.

import hudson.model.*
def jobs = Hudson.instance.items
jobs.findAll{ it.logRotator && !it.disabled }.each {
if (it.logRotator.daysToKeep >= 0){
println "\t retains builds for ${it.logRotator.daysToKeep} day(s)"
if (it.logRotator.numToKeep >= 0){
println "\t retains ${it.logRotator.numToKeep} build(s)"
if (it.logRotator.artifactDaysToKeep >= 0){
println "\t retains artifacts for ${it.logRotator.artifactDaysToKeep} day(s)"
if (it.logRotator.artifactNumToKeep >= 0){
println "\t retains artifacts of ${it.logRotator.artifactNumToKeep} builds"
import hudson.model.*
def jobs = Hudson.instance.items
jobs.findAll{ it.logRotator && !it.disabled }.each {
if (it.logRotator.daysToKeep >= 0){
println "\t retains builds for ${it.logRotator.daysToKeep} day(s)"
if (it.logRotator.numToKeep >= 0){
println "\t retains ${it.logRotator.numToKeep} build(s)"
if (it.logRotator.artifactDaysToKeep >= 0){
println "\t retains artifacts for ${it.logRotator.artifactDaysToKeep} day(s)"
if (it.logRotator.artifactNumToKeep >= 0){
println "\t retains artifacts of ${it.logRotator.artifactNumToKeep} builds"

There is no reason to list disabled jobs, so we will ask if the job has a logRotator and is not disabled. It's important to know that the log rotator will return -1 or null for fields that aren't set. The return values varied, but boolean operators in Groovy are null-safe. The result will be a sort of formatted overview of jobs and their settings for the log rotator.

With this overview I can decide what the default settings will be for the log rotator (just picking the longest retention time and the highest number of retained builds) and executed the following script to configure the log rotation of enabled jobs that didn't have one.

import hudson.model.*
def jobs = Hudson.instance.items
jobs.findAll{ !it.logRotator && !it.disabled }.each { job ->
job.logRotator = new hudson.tasks.LogRotator ( 30, 40, 30, 10) // days to keep, num to keep, artifact days to keep, num to keep
// println "$" edited and changed to statement below
println "$"
import hudson.model.*
def jobs = Hudson.instance.items
jobs.findAll{ !it.logRotator && !it.disabled }.each { job ->
job.logRotator = new hudson.tasks.LogRotator ( 30, 40, 30, 10) // days to keep, num to keep, artifact days to keep, num to keep
// println "$" edited and changed to statement below
println "$"

It took a while to figure out what to change, but programming the change is always more fun than going through the configuration file of each job to check if log rotation is enabled. I don't know how much time I saved, but at least the change was consistent for each job.